Welcome to the 19th European Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy (ECONOS 2020/2021), the annual meeting devoted to diverse topics in the field of nonlinear optical spectroscopy, including coherent Raman scattering, novel laser sources, microscopy, imaging, combustion, ultra-fast and vibrational spectroscopy. Read more …

26 to 29 September 2021, Karlsruhe, Germany

Daily Blog > 
Invited Speakers
Prof. Mischa Bonn Prof. Ellen Backus Prof. Ali Dhinojwala Dr. Nathalie picque Prof. Majed Chergui Dr. Anna-Lena Sahlberg Dr. Rosa Santagata Prof. Dr. Björn Braunschweig
–> More details on Invited Speakers

Conference bag, printed materials, conference pen and name tag

Selected Papers from the 2020 contributions have been published in a special issue ‘ECONOS/ECW 2020’ of the Journal of Raman spectroscopy:
Volume 52, Issue 9
Special Issue: ECONOS/ECW 2020 Special Issue in memoriam of Marcus Motzkus
Pages: 1491-1666
September 2021
Issue Edited by: Johannes Kiefer
A special issue ‘ECONOS/ECW 2021’ for 2021 contributions is planned. Author information regarding the preparation of manuscripts can be found on JRS webpage.