Information on the coronavirus ( COVID-19 )
Last update: 26 Aug 2021
New (26.08.2021):
Important information on Corona regulations, entry restrictions, entry registration, and In-person meeting:
Corona regulations:
In accordance with the current Corona regulations in Germany in general and the state of Baden-Württemberg in particular, we ask that you bring one of the following 3 requirements with you:
- Negative Corona test (not older than 24 h).
- Proof of recovery from a Covid-19 illness
- Proof of vaccination
Please note that new Covid-19 regulations apply to Baden-Württemberg from 16 August 2021 ( The Hotel will only accommodate you if you:
- On the day of your arrival, you have to present a vaccination certificate for the coronavirus SARS CoV-2 that shows that you have been fully vaccinated for at least 15 days.
- Can show proof that you have already recovered from Corona. The proof has to be 28 days old and must not be older than 6 months.
- Can show a negative Corona test. This test must not be older than 24 hours and is required every three days during your stay. You can also show an PCR Test that is not older than 48 hours.
Information on entry restrictions, testing and quarantine regulations in Germany:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions for entry into Germany from many countries apply. Persons entering must complete a digital entry registration ( Depending on the place departure, they also have to provide a negative test result or proof of immunity, and comply with quarantine regulations. More details under
In-person meeting:
Upon to the current situation and rules, traveling to Germany is rationally possible for all participants. We are looking forward an in-person meeting. As, we mentioned in our Email on 18.08.2021, the conference will be “semi-hybrid” which means that co-online option will be activated “only if there is a Travel ban” which is not likely to happen.
Hygienic at the Conference Venue:
Information on Hygienic at the Conference Venue can be found under this link
Pease follow this page for future updates.
Previous updates:
Update on 23.08.2021: We have finally fixed the Conference venue. We were very careful to achieve the optimum option for your safety and in the same time comfort under these dynamic pandemic conditions. To reduce the risk and for the safety of our guests, we have chosen a central Hotel in the mid of the city with an easy connection to the main train station of Karlsruhe. There is a limited number of rooms reserved in the Hotel for ECONOS 2020/2021 guests until 13.09.2021. Please book your room as soon as possible to guarantee having a room in the conference Hotel. Hotel Information
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon in Karlsruhe.
Update on 18.08.2021: The organization committee is developing a final decision on the event. We have to be careful with the dynamic pandemic situation. There are some travel restrictions changing every day. We have decided the following: The conference will be organized as a semi-hybrid meeting. This means that 1) An in-person meeting in Karlsruhe from 26 to 29 Sep 2021 will be possible for those who are coming from areas with no travel restrictions. 2) An online access will be given only to the “registered” participants and invited speakers “who are not able to come to Karlsruhe due to the pandemic conditions and regulations”. Soon we will announce the conference venue and travel directions.
Update on 04.03.2021: The organizers of the ECONOS 2020/2021 event are preparing to welcome you soon (Sunday, 26th to Wednesday, 29th of September 2021).
Update on 04.03.2021: After consultation with the International Steering Committee of ECONOS and the German Research Foundation (DFG), the organizers of the ECONOS 2020/2021 event decided to postpone the conference to Sunday, 26th to Wednesday, 29th of September 2021. Since the earliest manifestations of the outbreak, we have been carefully monitoring the global evolution, virus spread, vaccines development and vaccination rate. In an effort to have health and well-being of all the participants as our top priority, we considered all possible options and contingency plans. The degree of uncertainty of the pandemic evolution (and related regulations) and its heterogeneous nature make the decision a challenge. However, the end of September is, so far, expected to be a good chance to reactivate our dynamic life.
Update on 04.01.2021: The ECONOS 2020/2021 organization team is looking for a promising event in 2021. We are keen to have an “In-person” meeting, however, with our health and safety are on the first priority. The so far confirmed date of the 2021 event is 30.05. – 02.06. 2021. Our plan is to have an “onsite-online meeting”. Participants who are not able to travel by this time will not lose the opportunity to participate online. The on-site sessions will be streamed to the online participants who will also be able to present their work to the on-site participants. The ECONOS 2020/2021 organization team will re-evaluate the situation in the beginning of march 2021. Depending on the progress of vaccination, virus spread, and local and international regulations, the conference may shift to the 2nd half of 2021 to allow more participants to take part of the on-site meeting.
Update on 27.05.2020: The International Steering Committee ECONOS is discussing a roadmap this week. The good news is that no intention to cancel the event, but to postpone it. Within a couple of weeks, we will announce a new date for the event.
Update on 24.03.2020: The ECONOS 2020 organizers, have dedicated an extraordinary session on COVID-19 outbreak which has touched everybody, every country, every institution, and every event worldwide including our ECONOS 2020. Session description
Update on 16.03.2020: The steering committee of ECONOS has decided to shift ECONOS 2020 to a later time this year. We expect that the new date will be in Fall 2020 (depending on the development of the situation). The exact date will be decided in the second half of May 2020.
Update on 14.03.2020: All events at KIT from March 17 to April 19, 2020, are cancelled. ECONOS 2020 is from 19 to 22 April, however, everyday there is new situation and planning to hold the conference on these days is probably useless. ECONOS steering committee is discussing now the potential of shifting ECONOS 2020 to a later time (my be Fall) or make it as an “Online meeting”.
We kindly ask you for your patience and are thankful for your understanding
We will keep you posted with any news.
The ECONOS 2020 Committee is carefully monitoring the situation. This page aims to provide updated information about the coronavirus for attendees, authors, and exhibitors of the ECONOS 2020.
The information mostly relies on external sources. We encourage participants to periodically check the information on the Federal Ministry of Health and WHO websites for up-to-date advice.
Travel information
Information for travelers in different languages here
Information pdf to download here
How to protect yourself
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub
- When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
- Avoid direct contact with people who are coughing, sneezing, or have a fever
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
Advices can be found on WHO website
Inside Germany
What to do in case of suspected corona, what are the symptoms?
Persons who have had personal contact with a person who has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 should contact the responsible health authority immediately and regardless of symptoms, contact a doctor or call 116117 – and stay at home.
Corona infection manifests itself through flu-like symptoms such as dry cough, fever, cold and fatigue. Breathing problems, neck scratches, headaches and aching limbs, nausea, diarrhoea and chills have also been reported.
Source: Federal Ministry of Health