JRS special issue (ECONOS 2020)

The 2020’s ECONOS/ECW meeting had to be cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Nevertheless, the research in our field continues and, therefore, the international steering committee and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy decided to arrange a special issue ‘ECONOS/ECW’ anyway. This decision was also triggered by our colleague and friend Marcus Motzkus sadly passing away earlier this year. Marcus was a great supporter of ECONOS/ECW over several decades. His frequent and outstanding contributions to our meeting have been an inspiration and will remain having an impact in our community. This special issue will therefore be dedicated to Marcus.

If you intent to submit a manuscript, please let us know a tentative title as soon as possible by Email to Johannes Kiefer (jkiefer@uni-bremen.de). This is mainly for the journal in order to plan the publication of the issue efficiently (changing the title of your manuscript is possible at any point). Manuscripts should be in line with the scope of the conference (i.e. any kind of nonlinear optical spectroscopy) and/or with the scope of the journal (i.e. all areas of science and technology related to Raman spectroscopy).

We are now accepting submissions to the JRS special issue. As in previous years, all manuscripts will be subject to rigorous peer-review. The final decision about acceptance will be based on the referees’ reports. Due to some changes in the editorial process we expect significantly accelerated publication times this year.

Papers should not be too long (six published pages as a guide) and non-essential material, not needed to understand the essential points of the paper, can be made available as supplementary information.

The deadline for submitting your manuscript has been postponed to 31 December 2020. Please visit http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291097-4555/homepage/ForAuthors.html for details regarding the preparation of manuscripts. For submission, please use the journal’s online system http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jrs and make sure that your manuscript is submitted to the ECONOS special issue (answer “Is this submission for a special issue?” with “Yes”, and type in “ECONOS 2020” in the special issue information later on). Please select “Johannes Kiefer” as editor.